April - Workshop month
During weeks, I went to workshops about user experience or front-end development… and I learned a lot !
UX Design
The first workshop lasted the 6th of April.
Based on the Carine Lallemand’s book, we initiated passionate about user testing.
Carine Lallemand is a :
- post-doc UX Researcher at @uni_lu
- member board for @FLUPA (French UX professionals’ association)
- UX designer/speaker/trainer
- Co-author of “Méthodes de design UX”
You can follow her on Twitter or see her at UX conferences.
The session was split into 3 interviews. I’ll describe each test in the following paragraphs.
Exploratory survey
This test is very simple. We have, binomial, an interviewer and an interviewee. The first one asks some questions on the second one about the context of the tested system.
For example, in the context of a marketplace, we should ask these questions :
- How old are you ?
- Do you buy frequently online ?
- What kind of product do you buy online ?
- What kind of product do you buy only offline ?
The AttrakDiff questionnaire developed by Hassenzahl and his colleagues in 2003, is a reference tool for researchers in UX. It assesses the hedonic and pragmatic qualities of interactive systems.
The tested system was a checkout process in a marketplace project. Depends on the system, the result has to be analyzed.
For example an e-commerce website selling beauty products should have hedonic qualities and a checkout should have pragmatic qualities. It is a good objective indicator of success for a Scrum project.
Everybody played the game and answered approximately 30 questions. Example :
Simple | o | X | o | o | o | o | o | Complicated
For this user test we prepared a unique scenario in order to compare behavior and make a correlation with the previous tests.
This time there was a test subject and several observers. They were not to influence the tester, only get his impressions, whether good or bad and help him only if he did not find a way to resolve the scenario.
I was proud to assist to this workshop and to help to organize it.
On the test results point of view, the team was satisfied of the pragmatism, even if the scenario traces the needs and problems. On the organizational point of view, the workshop was a real success with the presence of different profiles (students, marketers, developers, psychologists…)
Web development
Smashing conf
I’ll write another post to summarize my journey at the Smashing Magazine Conference.